EP Reflections

Retired Church Workers

Guest Author: Lauren Evans. I've been working as the presbytery's Chaplain to Retired Church Workers now for nearly half a year, and as I've begun to get to know a number of the Honorably Retired members of our community I've had the chance to listen to the stories of...

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Growing Younger

Guest Author: Jake Kim. How can churches grow younger? The book "Growing Young," written by the Fuller Youth Institute, looks at various strategies to help develop meaningful youth and young adult ministries. Their work is based on research from over 250 churches of...

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Overcoming Adversity

Guest Author: Wendy Gist. If I had been asked to write this column a week ago, the Bible verses I selected for this week's column would not have been my chosen verses. I was far from a "Praise the Lord!" place. I was not thanking God. Instead I was stressed out and...

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Prayer for Your SGP Staff

Every summer, your presbytery staff reflects on our work in the past year, and updates our objectives for the next year, until June 2018. I thought I would share a few top-line priorities, for your information and so you can pray for us as we seek to support the...

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On the Move

Are you keeping cool?! Yesterday I was quite worried about the weekend heat, because we do not yet have air conditioning in the sanctuary at the Presbytery Center on 9723 Garibaldi in Temple City. Worshiping with 200+ folks at 1:30 in the afternoon without air...

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As Boomers Age

Yesterday, Mideast Evangelical Church worshiped for the first time in their new home at 9723 Garibaldi Avenue in Temple City. They were welcomed by Grace Taiwanese Presbyterian Church, who have been worshiping at this location for about 20 years. Each first Sunday of...

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Hands Held High

I have noticed that we are in an exciting season, as churches are making significant decisions that will impact their ministry into the future. As they consider new journeys into an unknown future, I am reminded of the Exodus. I lift up to you the little story of how...

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Our First Time

This last Saturday we tried something different for our Presbytery meeting-we held our first annual All-Presbytery Work Day. I say first annual because prior to the event, some of us were bracing ourselves for whatever would happen, as signups were slow and the...

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Loss of Innocence

One year ago, many of us woke up and got ready for church. A few of us heard at church that there had been a mass murder in Florida, at the Pulse nightclub. It was the deadliest mass shooting by a single gunman in U.S. history. The tragedy highlighted the brokenness...

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Wendy S. Tajima
Executive Presbyter

Wendy has a creative, spiritual and prophetic way of seeing the world that offers deep insights for practical living. She believes the Church is renewed from the edges, not the center, when those who’ve been marginalized are embraced.